Otis Redding - The Dock of the Bay:
Feral Kid / No Front Teeth (2023)
I have a small pile of records that some labels sent me to write about. I'm going to make an effort to get through these over the next couple of weeks and clear out the record bin I keep in my office that houses the stuff I haven't written about for the site yet. First up is Telegenic Pleasure.
I've been sitting on this one for a little bit. It's one of those 'dude recorded it by himself during the pandemic' albums. I've heard records made like this that are fun, and then there are others that sound like someone just going crazy. This one is kind of in the middle. I could never say that I like it, in a lot of ways it's the epitome of annoying solo recording that bug me. But at the same time, there was a definite point of view being pursued. Just because I don't like the point of view being followed, does that make it bad? A quandary.
Anyway, there's lots of synthy drum programming, spacey noises and distorted vocals. The songs are all pretty weird and don't follow the most standard structuring I've ever heard. There are early Love As Laughter songs that mined similar sonic territory, but those those ones always felt more spontaneous and exciting. These Telegenic Pleasure songs don't have that same sort of off-the-cuff flavor. I don't know, I'm getting lost. If you like weird, spacey, bedroom recordings, you might like this. You might also find it annoying because there's nothing all that interesting going on. I can only hope you don't find yourself in the position of having to write two paragraphs about it.
Telegenic Pleasure - Concentric Grave:
Self Released (2023)
Bad Idea hail from Minneapolis, a city that has produced more than its fair share of bands that I really dig. And while the bulk of bands I have enjoyed from this fine city have skewed towards the pop punk side of the spectrum (with some detours into Big Drill Car sounding territories), Bad Idea are playing a old school/garage-y sort of punk rock that I don't typically associate with Minneapolis. Granted, I don't live there so it's possible a thriving community of likeminded bands exist, but they aren't typically on my radar.
Most people that know my taste in punk rock will know that Bad Idea don't immediately fit the bill. It's not as hooky as I would prefer and there certainly aren't many vocal harmonies as are on a lot of records I own, but they still resonate in a way that most bands like this do not. A major reason is because of the quality vocals. So many groups like this are shouting and hollering and yelling in a way that my tender ears do not appreciate. This singer is one that can actually sing. It's gruff, maybe in a less gravelly Lemmy sort of way, but he's carrying a tune and that goes a long way with me.
Some of the songs are straighforward in a beat you over the head sort of way, and I don't click with those quite as much. But then there are a few that lean more towards my wheelhouse like "TV Brain" and "Act Of Violence." I wouldn't call them pop by any means, but there's a different level of dynamics there that elevate them higher. As far as the songs that are of the more straightforward variety, if you like your punk rock a little more old school and traditional, particularly with a tinge of garage energy, this is probably a record you should check out. They do this style better than most.
Bad Idea - Sonic Hellride:
Top Drawer (2023)
When I think about it, it seems kind of inconceivable that the last Subjunctives album came out four years ago already. Sunshine and Rainbows still feels like a new record to me and while I'm fully aware that my sense of time has been distorted over the past few years, it's wild that I'm holding the band's new record thinking 'boy, they sure pumped out another one of these pretty quick.' Yet the entirety of how long it takes to get through high school has happened since the last one. Feeling old yet?
Let's Try This Again picks up where Sunshine and Rainbows left off, with Ean, Jeff and new drummer Wendell crafting poppy punk songs that lean on Bob Mould style guitar crunch as much as they do Sicko style irreverence and tight hooks. I had mentioned when I wrote about the first Subjunctives record that this was the Ean band that was able to scratch my Sicko itch, and while there's probably a better way to phrase the sentence in a way that doesn't make it seem like I'm dealing with some sort of rash, it's still true. This makes me feel like it's 1996 again, hanging out in the record store and just enjoying the way the music was making me feel.
Lyrically, Ean is really in top form here. We've got songs about smart pop punk vs. dumb pop punk, career paths, Covid, fuckers and Lance from J Church/Cringer. It's subject matter that certainly resonates with me and it's refreshing to hear an album that feels thematically targeted to someone in their 40s and 50s. And that's not to say the kids won't be able to get down with these funky sounds. I'm sure many in their 20s will agree that these tracks slap. Which is a somewhat obnoxious way to say that this kind of pop punk always feels universal to me. Even if the specific topics might skew to an older demographic, the overall feelings of battling insecurities, fears and trying to celebrate the things that help get you through each day are common themes that everyone can relate to.
Start to finish, it's just as strong a record as Sunshine and Rainbows. We've got short fast songs, we've got mid tempo guitar pop and we've even got a cover of the Sicko song "Believe" played even faster than the original. To me the biggest difference between Let's Try This Again and the last record is in the vocals. The way they are recorded is much more slick and it's dripping with massive harmonies on just about every song. It sounds full, crisp and and impeccably recorded, though it is missing a little bit of the scrappiness that I tend to associate with Sicko and the first Subjunctives album.
2023 is a year that, for me, has really been lacking in new albums that I've connected with. There's been a some, but I can't remember a year where I've bought fewer new records. Luckily, The Subjunctives were aware of my plight and put out a record that reminds me that there's more to life than 90s reissues. There's also people from the 90s still writing great music.
The Subjunctives - Let's Try This Again:
Milan (2023)
I don't buy a lot of soundtracks on vinyl, but I have been picking up some of the cooler ones that get released. If it's Godzilla or Toho related, that's probably an instant buy. Then there are others that pop up randomly like Cowboy Bebop and Star Wars type stuff. I don't buy all of it, but I will pick up the occasional record that I think is cool.
I don't watch much anime. In fact, I really don't watch any. The only exceptions are the aforementioned Cowboy Bebop and Neon Genesis Evangelion. I stumbled across Evangelion in college, maybe in 1997 or so? It was recommended to me and I started buying the VHS tapes that were being released at the time. Two episodes per tape and lots of trips to Suncoast Motion Picture Company. I loved that show and though it was so interesting and powerfully written. Until the last couple of episodes anyway, then it just kind of goes a little crazy and I don't really understand what's going on.
The thing I always remember about the soundtrack is "Angel Attack," a rousing piece that captures the sound of impending doom perhaps better than anything since the Imperial March. The rest of this soundtrack is only kind of OK. I mean, nothing is bad or anything, but when I listen to it I'm not getting that immersive experience that I tend to while listening to other soundtracks. Maybe I'm just not as familiar with the music of Evangelion, but it's not until the closing version of "Fly Me To The Moon" that those nostalgic memories hit again.
This was out of print for a while, as best I can tell. It recently got repressed and I was able to pick it up for pretty cheap, so I did. I'm glad to have it, but as far as soundtracks that I'm going to listen to often, this one will end up being lower on the priority list.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Original Series Soundtrack:
Virgin (2015, Reissue)
Double Helix (2023)
This will be a quick write up today as I just posted a much lengthier missive about this fabulous record the other week. Please go here if you want me to tell you how great the music is: https://www.ibuywaytoomanyrecords.com/2023/08/the-pretty-flowers-company-sleeve-lp.html
For today, I wanted to show off the limited, alternate sleeve version from The Pretty Flowers record release show. They did 47 of these in total and they were sold at the show, with a few leftovers winding up on Bandcamp. The folks at Pretty Flowers Inc. were kind enough to make sure that my alternate sleeve came with the opaque blue version of the vinyl, so I have both colors now as well. It also came with a signed promo photo straight out of 1997. I haven't seen one of those since my time writing at my college newspaper many, many moons ago.
This is one of those variant hunts that I've tried very hard to keep from overtaking my record collection. For the most part, I'm much better about only buying one version of a record when it comes out. But there are sometimes bands or variations that tug at my heart strings and I just can't help myself. This is one of those records and I'm happy to have it.
The Pretty Flowers - A Company Sleeve: