Big Neck / No Front Teeth (2024)
If we're going to venture into judging a book by its cover land, I had an inkling while looking at this album by Tenchkoat that it might not be up my alley. But with the minimalist design and the straight lines, I figured, who knows - maybe there's a chance it's gloomy but not super evil. I was wrong, Apocalypse Hits is, in fact, super evil.
I feel bad when I write about records like this, because I'm never quite sure what to say about a band that sits so far outside of the scope of what I tend to listen to. I can say that from a music standpoint, the band is certainly tight, it's not a sloppy hardcore crew. The guitar work has some interesting riff and lead work and the drummer is absolutely pounding the hell out of the kit. If you are looking for aggressive, dark music, this could be for you.
That said, I absolutely cannot understand the appeal of vocals like this. They are so shredding, and cartoonishly dark. It sounds like an orc from Lord of the Rings in the midst of some sort of incantation. Lots of yelling, lots of reverb. It just sounds kind of insane to my ears, but I'll say again - I am definitely not the target demographic for this sort of thing.
I dig a lot of what Big Neck sends my way. Even the stuff that's not always in my wheelhouse is usually interesting or at least a top notch example of the band's given genre. This is one of those rare bands that just completely puzzles me. I'm sure it makes sense to someone, but it's not for me.
Trenchkoat - Apocalypse Hits: