Chocodog (2023)
Back in 1994, a friend recommended Ween to me because he knew I was really getting into Beck and some of the other weirder strains of indie and punk rock. I ended up picking up Pure Guava and Chocolate & Cheese first. In particular, I became obsessed with Pure Guava. At a subsequent trip into NYC to go record shopping, I picked up the CD of The Pod from Generation Records (amazingly, still open as of now). The Pod never really connected with me the same way as the others and while I still have that CD, it wasn't one of the Ween records I gravitated towards when I was in the mood to listen to Ween.
As the years have gone by, that initial opinion I had is somewhat still accurate. It's still not one of my favorite Ween records and really cannot hold a candle to Pure Guava, Chocolate & Cheese, The Mollusk or 12 Golden Country Greats, I do find that it's a pretty fun album when I want to be reminded of why I started listening to Ween in the first place.
Since I'm not as familiar intimately with The Pod as I am those others, it's still something of a surprise when I put it on and start listening. I can still be taken back by the goofiness of a song about pork roll (I assume they mean Taylor Ham), egg and cheese or the oddness of an entire song being someone ordering Mexican food. It's still a tough listen at times as many of the songs are noisy and weird, but when those gems pop up, it's still rewarding.
I've never had this on vinyl, so it's a nice addition to the Ween collection. This pressing is on wacky colored and what sure feels like 180g vinyl. It's not advertised as 180g, but these are some think, heavy slabs of wax. I'm kind of glad I waited so long to get it as this is definitely the version I'd want to own.
Ween - The Pod: