Atlantic (1980)
Up next in my bi-weekly Blues Brothers 7" review we have the UK version of the Everybody Needs Somebody To Love 7". This time out the B side is "Jailhouse Rock," which makes sense to me and is a solid B side choice since it's actually a song that The Blues Brothers sing.
This 7" is sporting some of my favorite picture sleeve artwork featured on any Blues Brothers 7". It appears to be a picture from the same photo session that yielded the movie one sheet poster, but it's a different picture. Plus, the Bluesmobile is in the shot. That's a big bonus for me as I think that the car is one of the most important characters in the movie. I also like the way they used the logo at the top, sort of like a heading or way to file the 7" at the record store. Good design choices.
Unfortunately, as you can see from the picture, my copy is pretty beat up. I'm kind of going with the mentality that this is just a place holder for now until I can find a better condition copy. But as this seems to be one of the scarcer Blues Brothers 7"s out there, it made sense to me to pick one up now. Hopefully I'll come across another one at some point.
The Blues Brothers - "Everybody Needs Somebody To Love":
The Blues Brothers - "Jailhouse Rock":