Waterslide (2014)
A few months ago Waterslide records sent me a big pile of CDs to review. There have been some pretty great albums that I've discovered as I've gone through them, but I think I've saved the best for last one I'm going to be able to review this year. I would have gotten to it sooner, but I started to get into a time crunch to have all of the 2016 albums reviewed in time for my end of the year list, which is coming soon.
I don't know how I had never heard of Shipyards before hearing this CD. Maybe it's just that I'm getting older and I can't keep track of things as well as I could when I was a younger fellow, but if I had missed this album completely, that would have been tragic. Shipyards is playing the exact kind of punk rock that I want to listen to. They are the very epitome of the great Japanese punk band. When I listen to this album, it reminds me of the glory days of the mid to late 90's, when bands like Blew, Lovemen, Sprocket Wheel, The Urchin and International Jet Set were putting out some of my very favorite records.
About Lights is a direct descendant of the sort of music that these bands bands were playing. Shipyards are are crafting energetic, but still very melodic punk rock. They have a fierce guitar attack, but the songs are just so damn catchy. They have the kind of group backing vocals that just make you want to punch your fist in the air and scream along at the top of your lungs.
If it isn't obvious, I love this record. I only wish it had come in 2016 so I could have put it on my favorite albums of the year list. Or, I wish I would have heard it in 2014 so I could have put it on that years list. Regardless, better late than never. I'm just glad I didn't miss this near perfect album.
Shipyards - About Light:
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