Fysisk Format (2017)
I have to thank my friend Jonas for recommending this Beachheads record to me. I feel like I've really lost touch with the bands coming out in places like Sweden and Norway and it was really nice to have some help in discovering this incredible album. Once upon a time, I was really plugged in to the noisy pop of that region, but as time has gone by it seems like I'm not able to keep up with things over there.
Beachheads hail from Norway and are playing the exact sort of Scandinavian guitar pop music that drives me crazy. A little bit of a less crunchy Wannadies mixed in with the supreme pop melodies of the Merrymakers with a little bit of Beezewax thrown in for good measure. Every song on this album is crammed full of the sort of hooks that get stuck in your head for the rest of your life. It's really a perfect pop album.
It looks like this debut full length is the only Beachheads album currently out. There's a two song single up on their Bandcamp page, but it doesn't look like it was released on a physical format, I think it was digital only. Regardless, Beachheads are a band I plan on playing close attention to going forward and I hope this is the first of many great records. If nothing else, hopefully Jonas will let me know if they put out another album.
Beachheads hail from Norway and are playing the exact sort of Scandinavian guitar pop music that drives me crazy. A little bit of a less crunchy Wannadies mixed in with the supreme pop melodies of the Merrymakers with a little bit of Beezewax thrown in for good measure. Every song on this album is crammed full of the sort of hooks that get stuck in your head for the rest of your life. It's really a perfect pop album.
It looks like this debut full length is the only Beachheads album currently out. There's a two song single up on their Bandcamp page, but it doesn't look like it was released on a physical format, I think it was digital only. Regardless, Beachheads are a band I plan on playing close attention to going forward and I hope this is the first of many great records. If nothing else, hopefully Jonas will let me know if they put out another album.
Beachheads - S/T LP:
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