Friday, November 1, 2013

Space Wolves - IV Cassette

Space Wolves - IV Cassette by Tim PopKid
Space Wolves - IV Cassette, a photo by Tim PopKid on Flickr.

UT Records (2013)

Yes, to start, I wish this was an LP and not a cassette. That out of the way? Good, because I love this little cassette. It was sent to me to review for this website and as it stands right now, is probably the best thing I've been sent to date. It's an album full of high pitched guitar and great harmonies.

Space Wolves have something of a 60's throwback vibe to them, and you can tell they're kindred spirits with the garage rock enthusiasts out there. But rather than burying their songs in fuzz and frantic drumming, Space Wolves slow things down just a tad, keep the recording crystal clear and as a result their songs simply shine. Sure it's November now, but this is a perfect springtime record.

Other than the fact that this is a tape, the one other thing that jumps out is quite a few of the songs on this tape fade out, rather than just end. I always thought that sounded a little weird. My friend Alan used to ask if we are supposed to assume that the band is just getting smaller? Always thought that was funny. Lastly, for a band releasing albums on cassette, it's totally weird that they have a song dedicated to how much they hate 10" records because they get lost in their LP collection. Ditch the cassette format and then you can complain all you want!

Space Wolves - IV:

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