Punk Fox (2014)
I was going to skip out on reviewing this record, to be honest. I feel like I've been pretty harsh on Punk Fox records. So when their latest 7" by Nervous Twitch had come along and I actually liked it, I figured I'd quit while I was ahead with that one. I've started feeling a little guilty though as I've had this Ist 7" sitting around for a little while and I just don't want to have the label send me a copy and not get a review out of it, whatever my feelings.
I can't say I really like Ist very much. I like them more than I figured I would based on the art work since I expected it to be manic screaming hardcore, but they're just not for me. There's nothing inherently wrong with their music. "Boyfriend" is a mid tempo rock song with a bouncy start-stop guitar riff and a reasonably catchy chorus. Unfortunately everything falls apart with the lyrics as the song seems to be and excuse to just swear a lot and talk about how much the singer hates "your fucking boyfriend" over and over again.
I'm certainly not offended by a bunch of swearing or anything, I think in the right context swearing can be elevated into a fine art form (just watch Veep or The Thick Of It). Ist just doesn't do anything special with it. It's just a bunch of bad words and it seems kind of lazy to me. The B-side is just another version of "Boyfriend" that isn't really much different than the version on the A-side, so I don't really get that either. You could do worse than this record, but it's not really anything all that interesting either.
Ist - "Boyfriend":
Nice. I'm sorry I sampled the song here. I'll have that lyric in my head all day now.